Deb's take on the airing of Discovery Channels' investigation into 3 UFO Flaps, Including the Kokomo 'Boom'
Overall, they made a decent case BUT... I was disappointed in the way it played out. I felt they severely underplayed the magnitude of the of the event here in Kokomo. I understand they only had one hour and they were looking at three states and three incidences, BUT still..... The case is really so much more intriguing than they made it out to be.
There were several important points which I felt were sorely neglected and I will share them with you now:
• First of all, I felt they gave the impression that the whole event was investigated by one Sheriff's Deputy and not TWO COUNTIES worth of first responders... "...everything we got."
• There was absolutely NO reference to the ScanKokomo police scanner audio tapes or any of the incredible comments therein. There was no mention of the tremendous number of officers dispatched to the alleged crash site and staged in surrounding areas.
• There was no mention of the fields where gouge marks were found.
• No mention of the witnesses to the Walmart trucks in the area very early the next morning.
• There was no mention of the massive search both by ground and air, for a crash site.
• They included a video which, was a fantastic video, from an ongoing case in Denver, as if it were recorded in Kokomo on the night of April 16, which it was not.
• They included video of KNOWN flare activity without noting that we already KNEW the video was known to be flares.
• They also used a video of flare activity from the next night, which I also believed to be flare activity BUT suspected was a "show" put on to distract from the previous evening's activity or somehow used to lend credibility to THEIR (The Air National Guard) explanation. (And I might note, flares are NOT allowed to be shot off at ANY TIME directly over the city of Kokomo! They could have set someone's house on fire!)
• They failed to mention, EVEN ONE TIME, the fact that they were using MUFON investigators to access the witnesses and evidence, during the entire process of filming this piece on Kokomo. And that this was an ongoing MUFON case. (They did note a special thanks to Indiana MUFON in the final credits... In itty bitty tiny letters....)
• And the one thing that REALLY chaps me is that they knew we had attempted to gain access to the radar tracking data for that night but were told it no longer existed, and yet they GOT it and didn't mention this EXTREMELY IMPORTANT bit of information to us.
• The radar tracking data clearly shows not only the many F-16s in the area that night but ALSO AT LEAST THREE (3) ANOMALOUS RADAR-ONLY TRACKS WHICH EXHIBITED "UNUSUAL FLIGHT CHARACTERISTICS" (Per Glen: "As in going from 0 to 500 MPH within a couple seconds!")
To their credit, they did, happily, share all 33 MB of data with us as soon as Glen asked for it, the morning after the airing of the program.
We also knew nothing about their research on the difference in intensity of a sonic boom created by a standard F-16 shaped aircraft and a disk shaped object. That information is significant. It would have been nice to have shared that data with us.
I can't speak for the other two cities involved, or for that matter, the other people involved in the Kokomo case, but as for my own opinion, I feel they didn't do the Kokomo segment justice.
The crew and Charlie Cook were VERY nice people and I am grateful that at least they didn't make us all look like morons, which is what a lot of media like to do to paranormal/ufo researchers. Crazy sells more.
Like I said at the start, they did make a pretty good case for the Kokomo Boom, but I feel it would have been SO much stronger if ALL the facts had been included. I do, however, appreciate that they did not attempt to interject their own opinions as to what the answer might be. I like that they just presented the facts. their own research results and allowed the viewer to make their own opinion.
It will be interesting to see how the History Channel/UFO Hunters group does with the show THEY did on the Kokomo event. It should be coming up really soon now. As soon as I know something I will let you know.