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Photos and images from my experiences.

A sculpture I made from memory after my experience.

Photos and images from my experiences.

Rear view of my sculpture. (note the head is looking up?)

Photos and images from my experiences.

A drawing I made.

Photos and images from my experiences.

I drawing I made of an ET girl I encountered.

Photos and images from my experiences.

A view of the rear porch area where some of the event took place which was described in Budd Hopkins' "Intruders" and in my subsequent book "Abducted!", and elaborated upon in my new book.

Photos and images from my experiences.

A view of the rear of my parents' house where the June 1984 encounter took place.

Photos and images from my experiences.

My room at my parents' home.

Photos and images from my experiences.

A drawing I made of a ET craft I saw.

Photos and images from my experiences.

Marks on my forearm that I woke up with.

Photos and images from my experiences.

A drawing of an elderly ET woman I encountered.

Photos and images from my experiences.

A drawing my young son made after his encounter.

Photos and images from my experiences.

The back porch of my parents' home where some of the 'Intruders' event took place.

Photos and images from my experiences.

A closet in my parents' home where my young son saw an ET.

Photos and images from my experiences.

The bedroom of my two sons at my parents' home.

Photos and images from my experiences..

The light that shattered on my Mom's couch.

Photos and images from my experiences.

Black helicopters have become a constant thing wherever I go. This one over my parents' home.

Photos and images from my experiences..

Another helicopter circles overhead.

Photos and images from my experiences.

These helicopters usually circle around, they don't just fly by.

Photos and images from my experiences.

Another one at my residence, 2021.

Photos and images from my experiences.

A ghost bunny appears in this image.

Photos and images from my experiences.

This scoop mark appeared on my Mom immediately after the June 1984 event. It was not there before the event.

Photos and images from my experiences.

This scoop mark appeared on my leg after the June 1984 event.

Photos and images from my experiences.

Drawings I made after the June 1984 event.

Photos and images from my experiences.

A drawing of the UFO my Mom saw.

Photos and images from my experiences.

One of my first drawings of the ET's I encountered.

Photos and images from my experiences.

A photo of the unusual marks on my Ford Pinto that appeared right after the June 1984 encounter.